
External Conferences and a Call for VOLUNTEERS

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I cannot believe it is already time to actually start my term as VP-EX!! Lisa and I have kept busy over the fall term, working on various initiatives as well as attending conferences.  We just returned from Whitehorse, Yukon which played host to the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students Annual Congress.  It was an interesting experience and we were able to bring lots of great ideas back to Waterloo to be implemented over the next few months. Reports are available on the EngSoc website and contain an overview of what was accomplished at each conference and what we learned from them.

Beyond attending conferences and writing conference reports, Lisa and I have been working hard with our directors to create some of the best events we possibly can this year.  The National Engineering Month (NEM) directors are already doing a fantastic job planning some awesome outreach events for NEM, such as a Rube Goldberg Machine and an amazing outreach event at The Museum.  These events rely on volunteers, like you, to run smoothly, so I would encourage you to keep an eye on the mailing list for a call for volunteers.

Hopefully you are still reading this report because I am really hoping to recruit a solid group of volunteers to work on the Waterloo Engineering Society’s Canstruction project, which has kicked off with a call for volunteers and a team lead.   Last year, we built a sweet yellow submarine and this year we are looking to do even better! If you are interested, send me an email, drop by the Engineering Society office, or talk to me if you see me around. If you want to know exactly what I have been up to, check out my blog on the Engineering Society Website.

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