
Improve your Resume, Microsoft and Sushi Skills!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello A-Soc! I hope you’re all happily settled back into the school routine. Here’s what you have to look forward to in the next two weeks.

Resume Critiques: Jan 19th, 5-8pm in RCH 301.

Are you nervous for your first time applying to jobs? Want to polish your resume? Be sure to come out for the last resume critique session on Thursday January 19th. Previous sessions were held Jan. 10th and Jan 12, which helped over 300 students, improve their job-hunting prowess.

Have you had at least one co-op job, like helping others, and want free food and points for P**5? Volunteers are badly needed for this event. Email one of the directors, Kyle Pohl, at kpohl@uwaterloo.ca if you’re interested or feel free to drop by the day of.

Microsoft workshop: Jan. 23th and Jan. 24th, 5:30-7pm in Biology 1, Room 307

Tired of struggling with work report formatting? Terrified of Excel? Want to show employers you take initiative to improve your skills? There will be two workshops on Microsoft Office. Microsoft Word is on the 23rd, and will cover formatting tricks necessary for work reports. Microsoft Excel is on the 24th, and will cover skills useful for engineering coop students, like user interface and functionality.

Sushi workshop: Feb. 1st, 5:30-7pm in POETS.

Mark your calendars for the always popular sushi workshop.  All supplies are provided. Whether you’re a sushi master or a rolling novice we’d love to see you come out! Come with old friends, meet new ones, learn a new skill, and eat everything you make! This always fills up quick, so look out for registration on the EngSoc Orifice door. Miso excited!

If you want more updates on the VP Operations portfolio check out my Exec blog at engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/blog/vpopa.

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