
FedS Councillor Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi, and welcome back everyone! Here are a few new updates from the January Federation of Student (FedS) Council Meeting that we want to pass along. In addition to this Councillor Report, be sure to check out the article written by Trevor Jenkins about the proposed FedS Fee Cap, found on page 4 in The Iron Warrior.

Student Study Space Survey
In an effort to assess the current use of undergraduate study space on campus, an ad-hoc FedS committee is being assembled to develop and administer a survey, and make recommendations on study space on campus. The survey would be used to determine usage rates of on-campus study rooms, and to create a map that would show students where the most and least utilized study areas are located. Furthermore, the survey could offer insight on whether or not additional study space is needed if a new student services building were to be proposed, following the defeat of the proposed Student Services Complex in the 2010 referendum. Students from each faculty are needed to sit on the committee, and committee members are expected to attend three meetings this term. If you would like more information, or if you are interested in sitting on the committee, contact Andrew Noble ASAP (adnoble@uwaterloo.ca).

Fee Collection Bylaw
Check out the article written by Trevor Jenkins found in page 4 of The Iron Warrior.

U-Pass Fee Update
Beginning in the Fall 2011 term, the U-Pass fee increased by $7.70, from $52.94 to $60.64. This is due, in part, to the fact that U-PASS users represent 23% of passengers, but only 18% of revenues. The FedS Board of Directors is currently negotiating a contract for the 2012-2013 school year. However, the GRT wants U-Pass price increases to be tied to increases in adult fares. This would mean that U-PASS price increases would be voted on by Regional Council, rather than negotiated between GRT and FedS. FedS is currently working with both the Region and GRT, in an attempt to find terms that can be mutually agreed upon, and avoid FedS losing control of negotiating price increases. Ensuring that service is not only maintained, but enhanced, is critical, in addition to ensuring that the U-PASS is reasonably priced.

Fed Hall Update
As many of you may recall, Federation Hall was originally built using student money, but, like all buildings on-campus, it is owned by the university, and leased back out to FedS. In April 2012, the lease agreement between FedS and the University of Waterloo will expire, and the University of Waterloo made it clear that it has no intentions of renewing the lease. The University believes that the space is underutilized by students, and could be better used to house catering operations. The FedS Exec and Board of Directors have been working with the University in order to negotiate reasonable terms, such that students have priority access to the space with subsidized fees. Expect an announcement with more details shortly.

Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) Membership Review
The Education Advisory Committee (EAC) recently completed a report that reviewed the student advocacy organization CASA, in order to help determine if membership costs are justified by the value of membership. For the 2012-2013 fiscal year, FedS will remain full members of CASA. However, during this time, the EAC will evaluate progress made to the issues and recommendations outlined in the report. If sufficient progress is not made, FedS will drop to an associate member the following year, which would halve the membership fee at the cost of losing the ability to vote.

FedS Nomination Now Open
The nomination period is now open! If you’re interested in being either an Engineering Councillor, or FedS Executive, you need to fill out a nomination package at feds.ca/vote. Packages are due January 23rd at 4pm. If you have questions about being a Councillor, contact any of your friendly neighbourhood Engineering Councillors. If you’re considering running for Exec, it is STRONGLY recommended to talk with the current executive member.

If you would like further information on any of the issues above, or anything about FedS in general, feel free to contact myself (a6camero@uwaterloo.ca), or any other FedS Councillor.

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