
Get Involved! Commissioner and Directorship Applications Open

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Are you at the stage in your University career where you want to get more involved in extra-curricular activities? Do you want take on a greater leadership role? Well the Engineering Society has announced the opening of Commissioner and Directorship applications for the Spring 2012 term! These roles help aid the EngSoc Executive in running the various events, services and inner workings of the Society. These positions look great on a resume and are a good opportunity to develop your project and people management skills. It is also a great opportunity to meet students from other classes and graduating years.

Commissioners work directly under the Executive aiding their assigned directors and assisting in the day to day running of the Society. This is in hopes of freeing up more time for the Executive to take on new initiatives during the term. There are five Commissioner positions available for the Spring Term:

  • Speaker
  • Student Life Commissioner
  • Student Services Commissioner
  • Communications Commissioner
  • Waterloo Engineering Competition (WEC) Commissioner

The application form including the qualifications and responsibilities is available at http://engsoc/commissioner-application. Commissioner applications will be closing Wednesday November 30th. These positions require an interview with the Executive. Applicants will be contacted to arrange an interview time once applications close.

Directors work with the Executive and Commissioners to organize and execute specific social and academic events and services. Duties can include running a budget, booking venues, recruiting volunteers, advertising, and selling tickets to name a few. Some Directorships available in the Spring Term include:

  • Arts – Colouring Contests
  • Athletics – Pick-up Ball Hockey
  • Canada Day
  • Cardboard Boat Racing
  • Resume Critiques
  • EngPlay – Director
  • Genius Bowl
  • Music – Coffee House
  • Outreach Rep
  • Semi-Formal
  • POETS Manager – OT’s
  • Scholarship Awareness
  • WEC – Senior Design Competition
  • Year Spirit

For a complete list of available Directorships, including the expected responsibilities are available at http://engsoc/director-application. Directorship applications will be closing December 31st.

If you have any questions about these positions or would like some advice on which ones to apply for, do not hesitate to contact any of the Executive, or this term’s Commissioners and Directors.

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