
What Happened, What Happened, and What’s Coming Up

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

No you didn’t read that wrong. These are two different “What Happened”s. The first one refers to events that happened before writing this report, and the second one is what happened by the time you’re reading this. So let’s begin.

What happened:

Shadow Day: Shadow Day went great. We had around 90 high school students visiting our campus to get a taste of Engineering by attending 1st and 2nd year classes and sitting in sessions that detailed the application process and the co-op system. I would like to thank the Shadow Day directors, Matt and Christina, for their awesome work. You guys rock!

WEC: The Waterloo Engineering Competition (WEC) was a great success. We had around 40 teams competing, including 20 junior design teams. The winners will compete in the Ontario Engineering Competition in U of T in February 2012. Check out the WEC article for more info. I also want thank Angelo, the WEC commissioner, for doing such a great job organizing and running the competition. Thanks Stressball!

What happened:

PEOSC: The Professional Engineers Ontario Student Conference (PEO-SC) was run last weekend in Ottawa. In fact, I wrote this report in Ottawa. The conference brought Engineering students from all across Ontario to discuss and learn about current engineering issues and topics. The conference typically features speakers who work in some engineering industry, academics, or entrepreneurship. I can’t say much more about the conference right now. A report will be released soon after the conference detailing the event.

DOT Conference: The Design Our Tomorrow (DOT) conference is a TED Talk style conference that is aimed towards a younger audience, mainly undergraduate and graduate students. Speakers included a Nobel Peace Prize winner and the first product manager of Foursquare. The conference organizers were kind enough to give us 50 free tickets to the conference. I want to thank Nan and Harry for handling the logistics of the conference, and making my life easier.

What’s coming up:

NCWIE: NCWIE stands for the National Conference on Women in Engineering. It is a conference that is targeted to discussing and learning about issues and topics that are related to female Engineering Students. The conference is being held on the weekend of the 19th at McMaster University.

U of T Graffiti Party: The University of Toronto Engineering Society are holding their second annual graffiti party at SUDS, the U of T EngSoc bar/lounge. There will be a dj, black lights, and a lot of paint. The event is happening Friday the 25th and the tickets are $10 each. We are looking into providing transportation, but it’s not guaranteed yet.

Well that’s all I have, for now.

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