
Chat With Alumni

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The Faculty has put out a new service for engineering students. They have created the “Ask Eng Alumni” website, a portal for communication. The goal of it is to put current students in touch with former students.  The portal can be found at eng.uwaterloo.ca/askanengalumni/ and you can log in with your Nexus account.

The portal has different set discussion topics. Students and Alumni can start and respond to various sub threads. The alumni come from diverse backgrounds and often add many different perspectives to questions asked by students. Right now, some popular questions include weighing the value of Masters of Engineering as well as the pros and cons of living off campus.

One of the best parts of PD Eng was the alumni community that interacted with students. With the advent of Wat PD, there was no longer a way for students to communicate with alumni. The faculty recognized that this was an important resource and helped build a tool that allowed continued students-alumni contact.

Ultimately, the tool is what you make out of it. Try it out and ask alumni a question at eng.uwaterloo.ca/askanengalumni/.

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