
Patches and Coveralls

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Have you seen exec and other students wearing sexy coveralls? Have you seen exec and other students wearing a lack of coveralls? Does this make you want to cover-up and buy a pair for yourself? In the next couple of weeks Novelties will be hosting a Coverall Day where you can order a custom pair or model yours around campus if you already have a pair.

Coveralls aren’t complete without patches though! Novelties has a few patches but we are looking for more designs to decorate your coveralls. Check out the Engineering Society Patch Design Competition on Facebook to submit and vote on designs. We are looking for designs that represent the events and services offered by the Engineering Society or the spirit of Waterloo Engineering.

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