

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome class of 2016!

You have five great years ahead of you and must be wondering what potential these years have. Well it’s all about what you make of it, and a component of that can be with the Engineering Society! As the Vice-Presidents Internal for the Engineering Society, we, Angela Stewart (Society A) and Andrew Fisher (Society B), are here to help make this possible.

Our role is to represent you on matters of student development within the Engineering Society. What does this mean, you ask? Well we will be overseeing the student services and communications of the Engineering Society. This includes resume critiques, course critiques, the exam bank, mental health, scholarships, and workshops. Resume Critiques will be one of the first services offered in the term. Upper-years will critique your resume in order to get it ready for co-op interviews later in the term if you are in a 4-stream program or in the winter if you are in an 8-stream program. Under communications, we will be making sure you are informed about all of the events, activities, initiatives, and spending of the Engineering Society. We hope to use new media of communication to make sure the word gets out, one being Facebook! That said, “like” UW Engineering Society to get updates on all the exciting things planned for the upcoming terms. For more detailed messages, join our mailing lists! (engsoc_a_general@googlegroups.com andengsoc_b_general@googlegroups.com)

During the first week of the term, the Engineering Society B Executive will be travelling to all the first-year classes to elect your class representatives for the Engineering Society. While all students can attend EngSoc meetings, the role of the EngSoc Rep is to attend and vote on issues on behalf of your class. These reps will collect feedback from their classes prior to the meeting and give updates on recent news and upcoming events after the meetings. This position is a great way to become involved in the Engineering Society in your first year, so if this position interests you, be sure to raise your hand when the B-Soc Exec come to your class during the first two weeks of the term!

If you have any questions for us or just want to say hi, shoot us an email at asoc_vpint@engmail.uwaterloo.ca and bsoc_vpint@engmail.uwaterloo.ca. We wish you all good luck and hope to see you more in these first few months!

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