
TS: Fashion Files

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

In this beautiful weather, sandals (particularly Birkenstocks) are the best possible choice of footwear to let your feet breathe and enjoy the warm weather. One problem this causes me to frequently face is what to do when I enter an air conditioned building and my feet start to get cold. Since nobody wants to carry around an extra pair of closed toed shoes for the air-conditioned indoors, we face a serious dilemma: wear sandals and allow your toes to freeze indoors, or wear shoes/boots and allow your feet to stew in the warm outdoors. A decision that comes down to icicle toes versus foot stew is never a good one but fear not! I have a solution: Socks and Sandals! It’s brilliant!

Carry around a pair of warm winter socks in your backpack or leave a pair in your lab (I do). I recommend the really thick variety; my personal favourite is RedHead brand men’s outdoor winter socks.

Directions: Wear sandals when outdoors. When you enter an air conditioned building, remove your sandals and apply your thick man socks. You may optionally put your sandals back on over your man socks or, as I prefer, walk around in your man socks.

I have been doing this for years and since I do it, you can be assured that it is fashionably acceptable. You can wear man socks with skirts, shorts, pants or capris! Just be sure that you pull your socks up all the way to your knees to ensure maximum appendage warmth; slouchy or folded over man socks are unacceptable.

Stay Warm,
Chief Man Sock Officer (CMSO)

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