
Winding Down WEEF

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

WEEF has had a fantastic Spring term. As we wind down for the term and move into finals, I’d like to thank you all for your support and hard work! WEEF is run for the students, by the students, and the phenomenal impact that we have been able to have as an endowment foundation would not be possible without you. You are amazing!

This term we had about $190 000 in requested funding and we were able to allocate $60 000 towards the improvement of undergraduate engineering education here at UW. We saw participation rates reach a solid 80% and we held an election for our next WEEF Director. We are also on track to reaching our $10 million milestone in the Fall! A big thank you goes to our WEEF Assistant Directors and Funding Council class representatives for both helping with meeting logistics as well as for contributing to the meaningful discussions that ensured the effective and efficient allocation of the available funding.

We will be holding our Spring Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, July 21st. At this meeting, we will be finalizing Spring 2011 allocations and also ratifying Brock Kopp as the new WEEF Director. Once the funding approval process is completed at this meeting, Spring 2011 funding will be available to groups who received it. We encourage you to make your purchases as soon as possible in order to ensure that the WEEF effect is felt by students immediately.

This will be my last WEEF report, so I would like to thank you for giving me the pleasure of serving as your WEEF Director. I’m looking forward to transitioning with Brock and wrapping up for the remainder of the term. As always, questions and comments are welcome to myself or Brock at weef@engmail.uwaterloo.ca.

Good luck on your finals and see you in January!

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