
One Last Memo from This President’s Desk

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Wow, it’s finally over. 15 months and it’s my final report (finally). Let’s start with the past and upcoming business.

With a majority of campus on break, there have not been many meetings. On July 4th and 5th, I attended the Educations & Promotions Committee hearings. If there are extenuating circumstances affecting a student’s performance, they can file a petition. Results of successful petitions can include changing a failed term to one that can be repeated with no penalty. Why is that significant? Well, from the Undergraduate Calendar, “the term No Penalty may be appended to the decision to repeat a term. In this case, the requirement to stay out for two terms before repeating the term is waived and the term is not counted as a repeat term with regard to the number of times a term can be repeated or in the calculation of the total number of terms of full-time study in the program.” If you have any questions, you can ask the Engineering Counsellors, your academic advisor, or your EngSoc Presidents. All of these people represent you on the committee and will present your case. PLEASE come talk to us (or Engineering Counselling) if you feel this applies to you.

Last Tuesday, I attended the final COPs (Committee of Presidents) meeting for the term. We dealt with concerns on receiving student fees and hammering out the basis for a new society agreement. With my term ending, it is up to Alessia and Leah to complete the society agreement before next spring. This agreement will set the relationship between FedS and each society, and define the interactions between each body. It will cover issues such as student fees and insurance coverage for events.

Our final Council meeting is Wednesday, July 20th. Come out to see the new Exec sworn in and to take part in the Spring 2011 family photo. It’s a potluck, so bring in a dish! The meeting starts at 5:30 pm in POETS, and directors are asked to show up at 5:00 pm. EOT is on Friday, July 22nd from 8:00 pm until 10:00 pm. The theme is “Too Soon.”  Hope to see you all as we reveal the winners of P**5, the premier of the TSN video, and to celebrate the end of term and relax before finals.

And with my closing paragraphs, I want to give a number of shout-outs and thanks. I want to thank Mike Seliske for being Speaker this term. He’s done a great job keeping Robert’s Rules and our meetings going and on-track. Also, the food was incredible this term! Another shout out to POETS Managers Amanda LeDuc, Ben Selby, Cameron Winterink, and Derek Thompson. Thanks so much for keeping POETS open and the shows showing. And the 1B VIP day was a terrific idea! Thank you to my fellow Exec. It’s been a long road and we’ve pulled through. Thanks to Robin Jardin and Meg Bauman. Your help with the Dean’s Office is invaluable and it’s great to have contacts through you. Finally, my biggest thanks go to Mary Bland, our business manager. Without her, our finances would never be done and the CnD would be out of stock on a daily basis. Without her, I’d never have someone with years of experience in EngSoc to bounce ideas off of. Mary Bland, you are irreplaceable and we love you.

Congratulations to Leah Allen, the new Engineering Society A President! I’ve worked with Leah over my term, and I have absolute confidence in her ability to lead EngSoc through the next 16 months. Leah has the passion and empathy to deal with the times ahead. Good luck in your term.

Good luck to all of you in your exams and work terms!

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