
And So It Comes to an End

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Yes, I’m afraid so. This is my last executive report for The Iron Warrior. Don’t be too sad… just remember all the good times! Like when I wrote an article to the tune of “So This Is Christmas…” Don’t believe me? Go look for it in the IW archives! Also take solace in the fact that following me will be your new VP-Operations, Angela Stewart!

Before I ride off into the sunset, I leave you with a recap of the past 2 weeks! They were filled with the first ever Cardboard Boat Race, our termly EngPlay, Beach Day at Grand Bend, the Second Coffee House, Semi-Formal and the Engineering Golf Tournament! All were incredible successes and I hope you were a part of them! Thank you to those Directors for putting their time and effort into making these events happen.

Before I go, I would also like to mention a great thanks to all of the directors who I have had the pleasure of working with. You all did an amazing job; it was a pleasure to work with you. I wish Leah and all of the new executives good luck in their upcoming 16 months! I’m sure we can expect great things to come from this group of dedicated people!

See you on the other side!