
Engineering Society Elections – President Candidates

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Leah Allen – 3A Chemical Engineering

Hello fellow engineering students! My name is Leah Allen and I would like to be your next Engineering Society President. To represent the entire student body and provide them with services they utilize takes experience as well as dedication and I feel like I have just that.

My most valuable experience for this position was my role as VP External for the Engineering Society. With this position I attended conferences for external organizations (such as ESSCO and CFES), where I communicated with the VP Externals from across Ontario and Canada, and participated in debates where I was not hesitant to voice opinions on behalf of our society. By being connected to other school’s Engineering Societies, I learned how they function and I built relationships that I can rely on if we are trying to improve something within our society. This experience also taught me how to work with a variety of personalities to accomplish a specific goal. Also through my VP External role, I provided guidance to many directors to bring the society external events such as the Waterloo Engineering Competition, charity events and much more. Through working with the directors I developed my leadership skills necessary to become President and lead the society.

Apart from my work as VP External, I have been involved in the society since my 1A term, as well as participated in being a leader for orientation week ever since my first year. I feel like I have great knowledge of how the society functions, what works for us, and what the society can improve.

On top of the mandated items in the President portfolio, there are many goals that I wish to accomplish. My main goal is to improve the society’s image of being “inward facing” and to create more events and services that would appeal to a greater spectrum of the student body. Currently, the Engineering Society does not appeal to everyone and I plan to encourage diversity within the society. I plan to have brainstorming sessions with each class to determine how the Engineering Society can serve them better, therefore attracting a greater diversity of people. Another vision I have is to get more recognition for all the great things the society does for the community. This can be done by better promoting our accomplishments with our charity/outreach initiatives by using different means. Engineers in general have a reputation of being a bit “rowdy” but why can’t we be the rowdy engineers who give back to the community?

My other goals include efforts to have better society documentation (and updating current documentation), seamless transition to the new Engineering Society executive structure, and having better communication between A-Soc and B-Soc.

If you would like a President who is driven and has the experience necessary to get things done, vote LEAH on the weekend of June 4th.

For more information on my platform (how I plan to accomplish my goals), my experience and to submit any questions or comments, please visit my website at www.leahforpresident.com.

Eric Evenchick – 2B Electrical Engineering

Hello, I’m Eric and I’m in 2B Electrical. In the past, I’ve been a POETS Manager, Canada Day Director, member of several student teams, an orientation week leader, and an active student in our society. Now I want to be your Engineering Society president. My platform is based on three major points that define my vision for our society.

Representation of our Society as a Whole
I feel that strong representation is a critical role of our president, and I want to ensure that our society represents all of its members. I want to hear from all of our members, not only those who attend Society events. This includes our student teams, Women in Engineering, Engineers Without Borders, and other groups that can benefit from our society’s support. I will work to be easily reachable and hold office hours to collect input. As our representative, I will stand up for the views of the society.

Make our Society Welcoming to Everyone
Our society offers many events, services, and opportunities. However, only a small fraction of members take advantage of these. To address this, I first want to make sure that everyone is aware of what the society does and how they can participate. I want to elicit feedback from a wide range of members to try and cater society services to more people. I will look to improve how the society uses its resources and finances to provide more for all members. Personally, I will strive to be an approachable president.

Bettering our Society’s Relationships
Our society relationships begin within the society itself. I want to lead a unified A-Soc executive team and strong communications with B-Soc executives. Next are our relationships with our faculty and school administration. We need to keep a good rapport with these groups, but we cannot be afraid to express the opinions of our members. I want to get to know our other student societies and try to facilitate more inter-faculty activities. Finally, I want to start talking with other Engineering schools about how we can work together. As we are all co-op students, and many of us move around the country, I feel many of our members could benefit from knowing more about activities at other schools. I want to more members to see a benefit from our participation in inter-school councils.

If I am going to be your president, than I want to get to know you regardless of what term you’re in, how involved you have been with the Society, or your views on my platform. If we don’t already know each other, please feel free to introduce yourself. I’ll be trying to get to know as many of you as possible over the coming weeks. Please take time to vote in the elections, and if you feel that I am the best representative for your society, then I ask you to vote for me on the May 4th weekend.

Sean Walsh – 3A Mechtronics Engineering

Hello U-Waterloo Engineering students! My name is Sean Walsh and I would like you to trust me in being your next Engineering Society President. I’m currently in 3A Mechatronics. Along with performing as your Vice President Internal I have been involved in EngSoc since my 1B term and represented Waterloo as a delegate to the 2010 Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) Congress. In my 2A term I was an Athletics, Music and Shadow Day director and since last September I have been selling you coffee in the C&D.

Why have you been so involved? You might ask me, and I would tell you it is because I want to take part in making the Engineering experience at UW the best it can be for all students. To do this I know I would have to be a part of the Engineering Society because it affects every student through academic and external representation, social activities and everyday services. Unfortunately many students do not see more than the social activities and feel those elected do nothing for them. I intend to make this the focus of my campaign.

To be clear, I don’t just want to spend my time as President finding new ways to show everyone what the Society does; I intend to work towards making it noticeably yours.
If you asked me “How?” I would light up with excitement in being able to share my 3 goals with you.

First: Student Society Study Space.
Everyone in Engineering has Academic requirements and when you need to fulfill those you go to a lab, a department study room, the library, or maybe even somewhere off campus. But where is EngSoc in this? I aspire to push for study space similar to that of a library, but facilitated by your Engineering Society.

Second: Financial Offerings.
You pay your Society fees and they help towards the services, activities and representation your EngSoc provides. If you want to know how your money is being spent you are always welcome to inquire however, if you have an idea that would benefit your Society did you know you could approach EngSoc for assistance? Most do not. I aim to have a committee formed in consideration of a capital fund meant to support innovative ideas each term that would benefit all Engineering Undergraduates.

Third: Face to Face.
An initiative started by the former off-stream-society President was to attempt to visit every Engineering Undergraduate class. This is something I would absolutely do if elected. How better to both explain the offerings of your Society and receive feedback on how to improve, than to talk to you in person?
I realize I am but one person, so if any opportunity arises to make a difference that I cannot be a part of I would not hesitate to delegate the responsibilities to a trusted individual in order to see those ideas through.

Help me make the Engineering Society Noticeably Yours. Vote for me, Sean Walsh, on the June 4th weekend.

1 Comment

  1. 222

    Leah you are cute:)

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