
TOPZ (with a Z)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

So, you have that big assignment/exam/project/interview tomorrow, but doing work sucks and not doing work makes you feel bad (which sucks!).  So, we’ve saved you time by making this quick reference guide to the top rationalizations for putting off work – because we have a passionalization for rationalization of procrationalization.

Cook: Well obviously, you’d love to do your work, but you want to do a good job, and no great work in human history has ever been accomplished on an empty stomach (probably).

Exercise: Before you start working, you want to burn off those calories as a healthy mind needs a healthy body because healthy is sexy and only sexy people get work done, you sexy engineer, you.

Nap: Well you’re tired after working out, and a quick thirty-minute nap will make you refreshed and ready to give it 110 % (± 10%).

Clean: So you wake up three hours later and notice your room is a sty. Who can get work done in a messy room?? No one, that’s who.

Access Private Browsing: To “plan a surprise party.” *Cough*

Shower: Your room is clean but look at you now: you’re sweaty and dirty from all your preparation. Better take a hot, steamy shower and then it’s to the books!

Sleep: It’s getting late and you can’t think straight. You’re better off just waiting until morning when you’re fresh and it’s bright out. So after 30 more minutes on Facebook it’s off to bed with you!

Start a Fight Club: You wake up for class at CPH, DWE, E3. You wake up for Calculus, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics. Lectures, labs, tutorials. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.

So now it’s the big day and you’ve failed to even start your work, despite all your effort and good intentions. Next time, for sure, you’re totally going to do it differently. Really. Next time you’re going to buckle down and work hard. Seriously.

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