
Hot off the presses!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great work term! For those of you who are enjoying your first summer term in school, I can confidently tell you that it is amazing. With sun, patios and sports, it’s really fun.

It has been a busy two weeks back. I’ve attended a couple meetings already. I have met with Meg Baumann, the Student Relations Officer. I’ve also had a meeting with the Board of Directors for the Sandford Flemming Foundation. By the way, the Sandford Flemming Foundation (SFF) is pretty incredible. They provide a lot of sponsorship for the Waterloo Engineering Competition, and they also offer a number of fantastic awards! Please check them out. I also attended the Undergraduate Planning Committee for Eric on May 13th. At the meeting, Wayne Parker, the Associate Dean of Co-operative Education and Professional Affairs, gave a presentation on the plan to implement new rubrics for all departments and co-op education. There is also a plan to collect data from the rubrics for a better understanding of how students are performing as they advance through Engineering. A common rubric between each department will help to compare the performance of each department on an even level for the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board.

Speaking of meetings, our first Council meeting was on May 11th. Though a bit long, everything else went smoothly thanks to Mike Seliske, our new Speaker! Congratulations to Rebecca Cameron, who will help to run our general elections this term as our Chief Returning Officer. At Council meeting #2, which is on May 25th at 5:30 PM in CPH 3607, Dean Sedra will come to give a short presentation and answer any questions you may have.

Thanks to our wonderful POETS Managers for an amazing BOT!! Please let us know if you have any feedback. We’re looking at improving the patio experience for the next OT. Got ideas for POETS in general? Don’t forget to share them with your managers!

For this term, I have a few goals I’d like to achieve. I want to improve my visibility and communication with you. Drop-in class visits, bi-weekly digests on the mailing list and more comprehensive articles are all part of my plan. If you want me to visit your class to discuss anything EngSoc-related, just send me an email at asoc_prez@engmail.uwaterloo.ca, and we’ll work out a time. I want to start the process of creating mission and vision statements for our Society. We don’t have any statements that serve as a guide for future executives and council to choose our path. I will need all the help I can get to gather feedback on what you think our Society should be.

This is our final term as your executives. We’ll be holding elections throughout the term to find the next generation of student leaders. There will be a different elections style this term. President elections will be run first, followed by the remaining positions (VP-Internal, VP-Finance, VP-Education, VP-External, WEEF). Using this style, we can hopefully generate more interest in the other positions and give more time to transition the President (always needed).  President nominations open on May 19th and run until May 26th, while the remaining positions open on June 10th and run until June 17th. Nomination forms will be available in the Engineering Society Office (CPH 1327) closer to the nomination period. Want to know more about the positions? Talk to one of the current executives!!!

Hope to see you around!

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