
VP – Fin

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome back, A-Soc STOP I’m sure that everyone has been having a very productive and fun first few weeks back; the same can be said of your friendly neighbourhood VP-Finance STOP The beginning of this term has seen me complete a large number of the routine and administrative tasks that need to happen each term STOP Novelties are up and running; expect a sale sometime soon; I am also looking into doing a custom coverall order later this term STOP Expect to see more shirts before the end term too STOP

My goals for this term, aside from my usual budget-related activities, include continuing to strengthen relations with engineering clubs and teams through continued donations and many super-awesome favours STOP If you were at the meeting, you would know that we are working on a capital purchase system STOP We were talking about forming a committee and I’ll be sure to update you all on it later this term STOP If you haven’t noticed, every sentence has ended with STOP If you don’t know, it’s like I’m telegraphing my executive report to you STOP

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