
VP Finance: So Long, and Thanks for All The Monies

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This term has really flown by. It boggles my mind that we only have a week or two of class left, and that I’m so close to never being allowed back at UW ever again (aka graduating). I don’t really have too much to report at this point in time, but I will summarize what I covered at the last EngSoc meeting.

Capital Expenditures: we have bought, or will buy (from approval by exec and thumbs up from council) the following: a new TSN camera, wireless microphones for meetings, a digital piano, walkie-talkies, a netbook, and a canopy for EngSoc and student teams. Obviously there are other small things, but those are the major ones that I think are important for people to be aware of.

Goals: As much as I’ve tried to stay on top of everything, this term has turned out to be a bit more demanding than I initially anticipated. As a result, I haven’t spent the time working on Novelties that I said I would (in terms of ordering new products, refreshing inventory, and advertising). I really do apologize for this, and I am going to devote a fair chunk of time in April to making sure I get these initiatives underway. I hope that I’ve done a decent enough job with everything else, and at the very least have used humour to distract everyone from anything less.

Finally, I’d like to give a big thanks to my Novelties directors this term. They’ve had to deal with the shambles of Novelties being in the back of the EngSoc office, the slow sales, and the self-direction they’ve been required to take on. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have had any Novelties at all. I truly appreciate the work they’ve done, and that they’ve stuck with it. Of course, my final thanks go to Mina Labib for helping cover for me and provide advice where needed.

Take care everyone, and good luck on your finals! It has been a blast.

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