
IT’S TIME FOR A LITTLE ME-TIME – Don’t let exams get in the way of insanity

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello Sexy Readers!

It’s already past the middle of the term, and we’re well on our way to finals, but don’t worry, you’re all going to do fantastically because that’s just the way you are! Studying for exams can be an ordeal, and when books get you down, you just need to get away. Sometimes you just need to distract yourself from the task at hand, to hone your mind and sharpen your focus. The activity I’m talking about is sometimes referred to as ‘procrastinating’, but did you know that you don’t need to limit yourself to the same-old ways of procrastinating? Yes, you can check the interwebs or watch a movie, but that won’t help you get rid of all the energy you’re saving up studying the whole day, and if you don’t release that energy, you’re going to keep getting distracted without end. So without further deliberation, here are Chad Sexington’s Top Five Favourite Suggestions for Ways to Procrastinate.

1) Build something. Make a fort, a bridge, a table, or a birdhouse. Heck, even building yourself a sandwich can be a good way to release pent up energy and keep your mind from unravelling at the seams. Try keeping a box of lego next to your desk and construct voodoo dolls of your nemeses when you’re about to go crazy.

2) Movies. Instead of watching a movie, make one. NOT THAT KIND OF MOVIE! Borrow a video camera, and make a 2 minute movie (this can take hours) about making sandwiches, about the squirrels outside, or even do a how-to video on snow angels. It will be a short distraction, and provide you with entertainment later when you’re feeling nostalgic. If you can’t find a camera, make one out of a coffee cup and a cardboard box.

3) Make yourself food. Lots of food. By making a large pot of chilli, or a huge casserole, you’re providing yourself with a few hours distraction that is not only healthy cooking, but will save you time later when you can simply take something out of the fridge to re-heat. What you shouldn’t do, is cook 10 pounds of bacon and sausage, because that only ever ends in disaster.

4) Invent a sport. Most sports involve taking an object and getting it past another player (or object) and into a scoring area. What if you had a sport that followed a different paradigm? Like looking up numbers on the internet and then hiking through the woods to find a little Tupperware container with a note in it? Wouldn’t that be FUN? You decide, it’s your sport!

5) Reconnect with old friends. Call your long lost buddies up and reminisce for 10 minutes about how good things were before you had to do all this studying. You’re sure to have a laugh or two, and you can wander around while you’re on the phone which also gets you exercise! Just watch out for your supercharged phone bill once you arrive back in the real world.

So if exams have got you down, take a personal hour. Do something fun. Just don’t let your excitement for free time get in the way of your actual learning or you’ll be stuck doing it forever.

One more quick note: My next article will be the last one I write for the IW for many years. It’s been great to share my ramblings with you, and if you would like to contribute to the IW, I encourage you to write as much as you can (it’s also a good way to procrastinate) as someone needs to fill this void (blank newspapers are so mainstream).

Until Next time,

Stay Sexy

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