
WEEF Report on Funding Council Meetings

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi Everyone, by the time you have read this the funding council will have met and decided where WEEF’s $60,000 will be dispersed this term. In total there was over $250 000 requested from your peers, profs and lab instructors – obviously some tough decisions will have been made to choose which projects are funded. Look in the next IW issue to see how much each group was allocated.

I want to make a special announcement this issue. On Wednesday March 23rd WEEF will hold an Annual General Meeting. The meeting is open to all members of the foundation, which includes every undergraduate engineering student. There are three goals for this meeting. Firstly, we want to explain to you how WEEF works and where your $75 contribution goes each term. Secondly, we want to discuss WEEF’s financial status and the progress of our million dollar donation to the student design centre. Finally, we want input from you about where you think WEEF should focus its efforts in the coming terms and what particular issues you think we need to address.

The meeting will take place in CPH 3607 at 4:00 and will run just over an hour. I look forward to seeing you there!


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