
Presidential Goals for the Term

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello Everyone,

The Engineering Society Exec have been working hard this past work term to develop attainable goals for this Winter 2011 term and we’re excited to show the students what we are planning to do.

Below are some of the major goals I would like to see myself accomplish while I am President.

• Better inform students of what exec are doing, so that as exec we can become more transparent to the students.

• Create more presidential exposure to the student body, and let them know who I am

• Provide longer and more intensive transition for incoming executive.

• Keep A-Soc informed

• Increase executive availability

• Alleviate the problem of council becoming restless during meetings

• Raise awareness and alleviate some of the issues faced in the Faculty of Engineering

Establishing a successful executive restructuring plan through the Executive Review Committee

See my blog at uwengsoc.wordpress.com


Feel free to give me any feedback at bsoc_prez@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

Scott Rankin


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