
An End to External Endeavours this Semester…

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

We’re almost there children! All we need to do is get through exams…

Also HAPPY DECEMBER. What does that mean? Leah no longer has to paint on a moustache every morning. WOOO! No more looking like a male.

Yes that’s right MOVEMBER is over! So I can’t actually give you final stats (because I wrote this last Friday) but as of last Friday we have raised 2,357 mulah!!

Two weekends ago we took an amazing delegation to the National Conference on Women in Engineering (NCWIE) hosted by the University of Ottawa. Apart from some slight setbacks on the way to Ottawa (ask Cam Winterink), the conference was very beneficial to the delegates who attended, as they listened to countless speakers who told their story on how they made an impact as female engineers. For more information on NCWIE, please see the NCWIE article written by the delegates who attended the conference.

FROSH! The First Year Integration Conference is happening at the end of January and is being hosted by University of Guelph. Applications are now open! The applications will be due by Friday, December 3rd at midnight. We will be selecting 4 representatives each from A-Soc and B-Soc. This is a great chance to network with other first years, learn more about your EngSoc, other EngSoc’s and about conferences and what they entail. If you want more information about the conference please come to the EngSoc meeting tonight (Wednesday) at 5:30pm in CPH-3607 because I am going to have a short discussion about this with the first-years after the meeting. For information on applying please visit the first page of the EngSoc website.

Just letting you know, an amazing delegation will be representing A-soc at the Canadian Federation of Engineering Student’s Conference from January 2nd – 8th in St. John’s Newfoundland. Look forward to some updates from the conference that will be available from my conference report on the EngSoc website after the conference.

Guess What?! EngSoc has a special surprise for you..! Wander over to the RCH fishbowl on your lunch hour TOMORROW to take a picture with SANTA and THE TOOL! Charity donations will be encouraged and will be given to a family in need throughout the holiday season.

A couple weeks ago was the Waterloo Engineering Competition. We had some great competitors and the winners of the Senior Design, Junior Design and Consulting will be moving onto the Ontario Engineering Competition hosted by Western in February 2011. We are still looking for competitors for the Innovative Design Category for OEC. If you are interested in being an innovative design competitor, please email me for details on when you need to apply by and what you need to do to apply.

Story time. If you didn’t know exec LOVE writing their exec reports in the back of POETS . But since POETS is closed, we have moved to Kickoffs! So Marc claims that he has come to Kickoffs to actually write his exec report. But is actually playing entanglement… IMPEACH!! That is all.

If you would like more information on becoming an innovative design competitor in OEC or if you have a questions in general please email me at asoc_vpext@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

Can’t wait to see your faces in Spring!

<3 Leah

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