
Upgrades and Closing Remarks!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

So it’s finally here, the end of the term. Since there is no POETS this week, we have moved our exec report writing operations to the plaza eatery KICKOFFS. Also, today is the first day that I don’t have a sketchy Asian stash anymore. My report might sound like everyone else’s, however that is not the truth, we completed these totally on our own with no external help.

Last week, the VPFs and Prezs from both societies went to a meeting with plant ops to see what upgrades could be done to POETS, the CnD, Novelties, and the CPH Foyer during the asbestos removal. The CnD is getting new floors which will be self financed. We are also currently pricing an air conditioning system for the CnD so that the chocolate bars don’t melt on the shelves at night. Novelties is also getting a new floor!!! And as a bonus, we might get a window beside the door, since window shopping is WOAHtastic. Also, there is a chance we might be able to remove the giant bulkhead in Novelties, and it’ll start feeling like more of a store and less of a closet. Yay for that! Finally, POETS is getting new lighting for sure, and potentially floors based on the quote. The foyer renovations description can be found in Tim’s report; it’s pretty exciting stuff so you should look it up. All the pricing will be revealed and approved at council tonight. Tonight we will also be discussing the FOC radios capital purchase so you should get in on that, it will be a blast.

The last day to hand in your expense reports for the term will be Monday December 6th at 4PM, so if you are hanging out to receipts for your events this term please hand them in ASAP. I need to eventually start studying for exams and I don’t want to get bogged down with cheques.

As well, the last day of Novelties will be the last day the Orifice is open this term. So if you want to get your Christmas shopping done, check us out, we’re at the back of the Orifice till it closes! Finally, thanks to my Novelties directors this term, they have done a great job selling novelties. It’s been one of the best Fall sales we have had in a long time, so congrats guys.

In closing remarks, thanks everyone for a great school term.

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