
Movember, Conferences and Santa!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

First off, I would like to say that traditions are awesome. Especially the new tradition of sitting in the back of POETS writing exec reports with the rest of exec while sipping on beverages. Too bad this tradition cannot continue for the remainder of the term. Sad face.

Onto conferences! PEO-SC was awesome, the sessions were very rewarding for the delegates and the speakers, especially Drew Dudley, were very inspiring. Expect a more thorough report at the EngSoc meeting tonight and possibly a presentation! This weekend A-soc will be taking an excellent delegation to the National Conference of Women in Engineering in Ottawa. Hopefully I will have some developments to report after the conference.

Two weekends ago was the Waterloo Engineering Competition where students competed in Senior, Junior and Consulting category. The winners of each category will be advancing onto the Ontario Engineering Competition hosted by Western in February.

MOVEMBER is well underway! As of last Friday, (when I was writing this article) Waterloo engineering has raised a whopping $1,816.00! Great job everybody and keep raking in the dough! Since the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) has made Movember a competition between engineering societies throughout Canada, I thought I would give you some stats about that. All of CFES has raised $9,831.00 which means we (Waterloo engineering students) have raised 18.5 % of all funds raised by engineering students in Canada! WO!

Shadow Day was a HUGE success! I need to thank the Shadow Day Directors for all of the commitment and hard work that they put into the event to make it a huge success.

This coming weekend is the annual Santa Claus Parade! This year the Baja and Concrete toboggan team are participating. It is on Saturday, November 20th starting at 10 am at King and Erb in Waterloo! Come out, show your Waterloo Engineering pride and you also may get to see Santa!

That’s all the external updates for now! If you have any questions please contact me at asoc_vpext@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

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