
Conferences? Charities? WIE? Read On!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey All!

To the upper years, welcome back to campus and to the first years, welcome to your new home! It is great to see all of your wonderful faces reading my article.

There has been a lot going on the VP External front lately, so hold on tight. Back in June myself, Tim Bandura (Prez), and an A-soc delegation attended ESSCO Annual General Meeting. What is ESSCO? ESSCO is the Engineering Student Societies Council of Ontario and they are like the EngSoc of the all the student societies in Ontario. ESSCO AGM sparked a lot of ideas on how to improve our Engineering Society, which may bring some changes in the coming months. At this conference new ESSCO executive were elected, among them is our very own Alessia Danelon (President) and Cameron Winterink (VP Development).

Two weekends ago Tim Bandura and I attended the ESSCO President’s Meeting. At this meeting a new LIAC topic was selected entitled “Implementation of Soft Skills in Engineering”. So what is LIAC? LIAC is the Lobbying Issues and Action Committee and they select a topic to research and lobby issues related to the topic on behalf of engineering students in Ontario.

This coming weekend, Kevin Ling (B-soc VP External) and I will be attending CFES (Canadian Federation of Engineering Student’s) Presidents Meeting. CFES is similar to ESSCO but they represent all the engineering student societies in Canada. Hopefully we will be attending some workshops relevant to our EngSoc, and can bring back some new and exciting ideas.

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN FOR PEO-SC (Professional Engineers Ontario Student Conference). PEO-SC is a great conference and I highly recommend it to anyone who is proud of the engineering profession and would like to learn more about what it means to be an engineer in Canada. The conference will be held at the University of Toronto on November 12 – 14. If you are interested in attending, please send me an email or visit the website for application information.

On the charity front, the charity directors will be a serving pancake breakfast bi-weekly all term and the next one will be taking place on the 7th of October from 8am – 10am in the CPH foyer. Last week the Charity Grill Fest brought to you by your executive team and the charity directors raised $1000!! This will be going to Free the Children to help build a school in India! Another charity event happening this term is Halloween for Hunger, where participants will get dressed up and trick or treat for can goods. If you’re interested in participating, make a group of 6 – 8 people and sign up on the Orifice door in the coming weeks.

Women in Engineering is hosting a Grad Studies talk today from 12:30 to 1:30 in RCH 208, please come join if it’s not too late. Did I mention lunch will be served?!

That’s all for now! If you have any questions/comments please email me at asoc_vpext@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

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