
What’s Going On, POLE INCLUDED!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello and welcome back A-Soc! Also, welcome to A-Soc for all of the first years! I hope everyone had a great summer and an awesome first couple of weeks. For starters, a BIG thanks to everyone who attended the recent EngSoc events such as the first Coffee House of the term, the trip to St. Jacobs, last Friday’s Charity Grillfest and the EngSoc Day at the end of O-Week.
As for upcoming events, be on the lookout for advertising regarding the following events: TalEng, Exchange Student Night (in POETS), Enginuity, EngPlay auditions, a colouring contest, MORE Frosh Mentoring, MORE Coffee Houses.
Furthermore, some of you might remember that in the first EngSoc Meeting this term I spoke of getting more feedback from all of the Engineers out there through the use of “poles”. So today I introduce the Plummer’s Opinions Listed to Exec, aka the POLE.
This Issue’s POLE: What do you think of the Engineering Society Council Meetings?
Please email your responses and any other questions to asoc_vpint@engmail.uwaterloo.ca. I look forward to seeing everybody out at the upcoming events and hope to hear from you!
Regards, Sean Walsh

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