Hey shiny and new class of 2015!
Did you play an instrument in a stage band during high school? Do you play an instrument and always wanted to join a stage band? Well are you ever in luck, because UW Engineering has its very own Jazz Band, called With Respect to Time (WRTT). There are lots of undergraduate Engineering students just like yourself who love music and couldn’t go through school without playing at all, which is why WRTT was formed in the first place just over five years ago! Haven’t played all summer? Not to worry, happens to the best of us! In fact, WRTT has never held auditions in its five year history, it’s just a friendly open environment for people to come out and play some sweet music together.
That being said, there is a small commitment associated with the band; we rehearse for about two hours every Sunday in the Student Life Centre (SLC), and section leaders hold weekly sectionals for about an hour during the week. We also have lots of fun gigs throughout the term, including Engineering Society events, and our infamous end-of-term charity gig that we have during the last month of every term where we raise funds for a local charity.
If this sounds like something up your alley, then come out and listen to the band play at Monte Carlo in the outdoor courtyard of the Student Life Centre (SLC)! We’ll have a sign up list where you can sign up if you’re interested in joining the band. Can’t make it out? Then e-mail admin@engjazzband.ca with your name, instrument and a brief outline of your playing experience, and we’ll forward you all the information you’ll need! You can also visit us at www.engjazzband.ca to catch the latest updates on the band. There will be a big meeting for everyone just to overview the term during the first week of classes, and we’ll have our first rehearsal the following weekend. Hope to see you guys there!
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