
Welcome From Your Vice-Presidents Finance!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey Everyone!

We are the Vice Presidents of Finance (VPF) for both the Engineering Society ‘A’ and ‘B’. We are responsible for the effective allocation of the refundable $14.25 fee you pay each school term to use the Engineering Society’s services. Everyone this fall will get to know Marc Tan as the VP Finance for Society ‘A’. For those of you who will stay in school this winter, Jon Warren will be your VP Finance for Society ‘B’.

The primary role of the VP Finance is to manage the Engineering Society’s budget by way of effectively dispersing funds to the society directors which run the events and services you will come to love. Before the beginning of each term, directors will submit their individual budget proposals to us. With this information, as well as the known operating costs of our Society, we prepare a budget which gets presented and approved at the second Society meeting of the term. The VP Finance provides updates on the Society’s budget at each meeting, as well as in the Iron Warrior.

The VP Finance also manages the Engineering Novelties shop, where you can purchase UW Engineering clothes, mugs, tools, apparel, and much more. Check it out during your lunch break: it’s open from 11:30 to 1:30 each day of the school week, and is located next to POETS in the CPH foyer. New and exciting items are available each term, so come in often! If you have any ideas for new items, please come and talk to us!

Another aspect of our job is managing capital expenditures. Each term our society works to expand and improve the services we offer by investing in items or services which will benefit the student body. Some examples include new microwaves for POETS, the scrolling marquee sign outside of the Engineering Society office, new audio equipment for our events, and new furniture for POETS. If you have any ideas about how we can make the Engineering Society better, please come see us!

We also make donations each term to various organizations and student teams in engineering and across campus. Groups just need to submit an application and make a brief presentation at our budget meeting (the second meeting of the term). Anyone is welcome to submit an application, not just engineers, however keep in mind that the total donation amounts are limited by our termly budget, and the donation amount is decided and voted upon by all of the Engineering Society representatives.

Finally, if you’re considering getting your Engineering Society fee refunded, we really encourage you to give us a chance first. Come out to POETS, check out the C&D shop, come to the Beginning of Term party, and check out the services in the Engineering Society office. If you aren’t impressed with what you see, then talk to us! We welcome new ideas and truly want to be able to serve the engineering student body as effectively as possible.

To get in touch with us, email asoc_vpfin@engmail.uwaterloo.ca or bsoc_vpfin@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

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