
WEEF Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The proposal period wrapped up on the 19th without an issue. Much more money was requested this term than the $60,000 we can give out, so clearly the funding council will have some tough decisions to make.

If you have submitted a proposal, don’t forget that you need to make a presentation to the Funding Council! Presentations will occur on June 24th in RCH 305 and June 29th in RCH 306 at 5:30 pm. Dinner will be provided to the WEEF Class Reps that attend (1 or 2 per class). To ensure your class/department gets a say as to where the $60,000 will be allocated, please be sure that a representative from your class attends! Visit the list of class reps at www.weef.uwaterloo.ca/council.html to make sure your class has a rep.

After presentations are completed, the funding council (comprised of all the WEEF Class Reps) will convene on July 5th to determine how this term’s WEEF money will be allocated.

In other news, WEEF return statistics are here! Overall we saw a 20% refund rate this term.  This a 10% improvement over Winter term (B-Soc Power!). Check out the accompanying graph to see how your class performed.

Questions, comments or suggestions are always welcome – email me at weef@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

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