
EngSoc Millennium Time Capsule?…maybe

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

During the Winter 2000 20th anniversary celebration of the Iron Warrior, several older issues of the newspaper were taken out of the archives and a booth was set up in the CPH Foyer so students passing by could take a look at past editions of the paper from the 80’s and 90’s. During one of these events, an edition from June 4th, 1999 had the front page heading “Engineering Society to Construct millennium Time Capsule”. The plan was for engineering students to put belongings they thought students in the future would like to see and put it away in July of that year.

The date that they wanted to open the time capsule was eleven years from then on July 1st, 2010, or in other words, under a month from when this issue is released. Unfortunately, after sifting through the rest of the Iron Warrior archives as well as EngSoc minute meetings from the past ten years, no additional information on the time capsule could be found! Now the question remains: is this all just a rumor? Or will a time capsule revealing the secrets of EngSoc’s past mystically reveal itself on the 1st of July? What possibly could be in it? Stay tuned to find out!

If you happen to have any additional information pertaining to this time capsule, please email The Iron Warrior at iwarrior@engmail.uwaterloo.ca!

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