
Incoming VP External Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

As another term comes to an end, another set of incoming executive reports comes out. Firstly, I would like to congratulate all the incoming exec, you are all wonderful and I look forward to working with you! Secondly, I would like to thank the past exec for the wonderful surprise they had in store for us at TalEng. Thirdly, I would like to let you all know how excited I am to get started as VP-External and represent A-Soc for the next 16 months!

I would like to take this time to let you know what some of my goals are for the next couple of terms. I plan on improving awareness among Society members and the student body about external organizations. I plan on informing the council on all external events/initiatives and any issues that are being discussed within CFES and ESSCO. I would also like to see more students get involved with external organizations such as CFES and ESSCO. On that note, for more information on these organizations please read my article about these external organizations in this issue of the Iron Warrior.

As for directorships, I plan on working closely with all directors and I plan on being available for them to make every event a success. I am very excited to be working with all the charity directors; bringing you fun and rewarding charity events that will continue to give back to the community. If you are interested in applying for a directorship, now is your chance! Applications are due by April 6th and YOU can apply online at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

Lastly, I plan on working with and supporting all the other executives to help make the next 16 months the best that they can be! Please feel free to stop me in the halls or send me an email at lmallen@uwaterloo.ca if you have any questions or ideas!

That’s all for now! See you in September!

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