
FSAE Statement

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

As many of you are quite aware, the Formula Motorsports team was suspended from the usage of facilities and had to cease operations for the remainder of the 2011 season until June 1st due to the events that transpired on the night of March 16th, 2011.  With the sole purpose of carrying out a personal project for a charitable cause, two team members drove a personal car into the SDC (Student Design Center), with one of the team members modeling in a bathing suit in front of our 2010 competition car.  As a result, the team’s name is now synonymous with the words bikini, babe, and fast cars.   However, this is not what the team is about.

First of all, let me tell you a bit about my role within the 2011 Formula Motorsports team.  I was the Team Captain, responsible for every aspect of the team’s operation to ensure that the University had a successful package to contend at international Formula SAE competitions.

My team consists of more than 50 students from all disciplines of studies, who are all very passionate and dedicated towards the team’s vision:  To create a world class competition car and win.  Just like the other student teams in the SDC, if we’re not attending classes or studying for exams, we’re spending 10-20 hours a week–with some of us spending more than 40 hours a week–working on the car without much school recognition or credit.

The suspension brought feelings of utter shock and doom to the team members, which was to some extent mitigated by an overwhelming outpouring of support from students, alumni, and the industry.  However, with the guidance of our faculty advisor, Professor Steve Lambert, the entire team was able to deal with the situation professionally and in unison.   We have admitted to the mistake of misusing the facilities for the unauthorized photoshoot, though we feel that the reprimand was indeed harsh.  I also believe that if there was an initial discussion between the Dean’s office and our team’s faculty advisor, the decision would have been less jarring to the entire team and certain details  would have been clearer to both sides.

As a consequence of our suspension, we are unable to compete in the 2011 Michigan Formula SAE competition.  Also, the 2012 team will be set back behind its intended schedule.

But we have moved on.

The SDC management has listened to our suggestions and have put forth a preliminary plan to create a process to deal with similar situations.  Also, I was given limited privileges to use the SDC facilities to give the 2012 team a head start, because it is going to take quite some time to resume operations.  Furthermore, we were allowed to attend the Formula SAE competition held at the Michigan International Speedway, but not compete.

We have definitely taken this crisis as an opportunity to develop our team to be stronger and better.  The team will be closely integrating various Engineering students’ fourth-year design projects for either R&D or current vehicle build initiatives.  A more defined team structure will be utilized to ensure efficient operations without redundancy and to develop leaders of tomorrow, but with enough flexibility for an innovative environment.  Various engineering and business standards will be put into place so new joiners will not experience a steep learning curve.

We are extremely excited to begin unfolding the 2012 story.  I envision it as a season where the team will once again renew its vision and passion for creating a world-class force to be reckoned with.  So I encourage you to come by our team bay after June 1st to see what we’re all about.  After all, this is a work in progress and we welcome all the help we can have.


  1. GUEST

    who is you?

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