Humour, Uncategorized

Prof Quotes

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

“If you’ve studied for the midterm, go have a coffee, take a walk, check to see if another government has been overthrown….” – Nairn, ECE 444

Talking about window seals: “this isn’t a walrus it’s a seal!” – Straube, CIVE 507

“Did you know that Elvis died on the toilet? What a way to go!” – Orend, PHIL 315

“Zero cannot equal one.” – Beltos, MATH215

“Lava: You can out run it but it will destroy your house. Or your castle.” – Evans, EARTH 438

“Engineering is the field of estimation. 2 + 2 is greater than 4 for all large values of 2.” – Renksizbulut, ME 557

“We don’t have to do this function, just in principle” – Shalit, MATH 211

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