Imagine a place isolated from any other land mass (that means it’s an island) that is populated by engineers of all kinds. A land just for engineers, an engineering land, it will be dubbed, “ENG-LAND.”
This Eng-land is known across the world for many of its innovations. Chemical engineers have ruined the climate by frequent testing of weather control equipment which has resulted in catastrophic failure that is causing frequent rain all throughout the year. They are now all unemployed.
In response, the geological and environmental engineers are attempting to fix the problem but lack in numbers.
On an even more catastrophic scale, genetic engineering tests have accidentally wiped out most of the females on the island. This also resulted in mutating crickets with strangely advanced intellects. The crickets have survived nuclear attacks and can only be tamed by teaching them baseball, which they have complicated into a more advanced game. Luckily, an advantageous effect of genetic engineering has resulted in the Big Ben effect which has given the engineers big willies. However, due to the large wang sizes, everyone requires a cane to travel by foot.
The management engineers are just now being introduced into the economy with the goal of increasing profit rather than focusing on research. Sorrowfully, the excess of nanotechnology engineers is not helping this cause. On the other hand, the electrical and computer engineers have realized that they have nothing to offer one another, even though they have been forced to merge by the Axis of Evil. Majority of the populace voted against this movement.
There are foreign affairs that are dealt with by software engineers who are hated by both citizens and foreigners alike due to their weird, hypocritical cultural habits.
In addition, the systems design engineers are in the process of developing patents for teapot designs to aid seniors in their pouring pains since everyone in Eng-land loves their tea and crumpets.
Finally, every Fall Term, the engineers write a novel that is recognized worldwide by utilizing approximately 1700 monkeys on typewriters, even though they only have a 66.6% literacy rate. This successful process has been referred to as Educated Lemurs Producing English, or ELPE in short. There are also civil, mechanical, mechatronics, and architecture engineers in kilts, but they are busy chasing the double rainbow to acquire the pot.
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