
Advice for Chems accompanied by a Burger

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Imagine a great, sunny day with sizzling cheeseburger (or veggie burger) in your right hand and a cold pop in your left hand. Now, add in your professors to that picture; they are sitting right in front of you and enjoying burgers as well. Sounds like a dream? No, it actually came true in Meet the Profs in POETS Patio last Thursday. It was an event arranged by Chemical Engineering Society where we could talk to our professors in a relaxed situation, something atypical in a lecture. They made jokes, explained their research, and gave important advice to us.
I would not be able to picture my strictest professor in class cracking a joke with students if I had not been there. “Have you ever heard of a spit test? A Chemical Engineering student had a work term in Labrador and, yes, it was the winter term. Basically, the spit test is just if you spit outside and it freezes before reaching the ground, you will not need to go to work that day. Reason: it is -40°C outside!” The professor laughed, and that was the first time I saw him without his serious face.
Passionate about their research – that was the perfect phrase to describe the instance they started explaining their projects. The engineer inside of me was excited for the research details until mustard starting flowing down my palm. Whoops, back to the reality, got to finish the burger! In addition to the jokes and research details, the first years, especially the 4-streamers having to face the very first work term in January, received relieving advice from the professors:

  1. Do not get demoralized when you do not get an interview on the first round. At the end, everyone will end up with a job.
  2. Focus on your midterms and after that, you can try to join the student teams. The teams are great places to improve your skills and pad up your resume.
  3. Do not hesitate to apply for jobs in Fort McMurray or Labrador even if you are going there for winter term. You might get the most awesome work term there.

Even though it was just a short talk during lunch time, it was a great time indeed.To have a casual chat with the professors instead of calculus problems formed the best lunch this week. For fellow Chemical and Nanotechnology Engineers that missed the event, no worries! I have summarized the advice above; however, you missed the moment when your  professors laughed.

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