Book of Awesome

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha began as an internet blog named “1000 Awesome Things” found at www.1000awesomethings.com. The purpose of the blog was to bring attention to the little things in life that make our days better, in a world filled with turmoil. Each day, a new and awesome thing was released onto the blog complete with a comment from one of the visitors of the site and their personal story to go along with it. As popularity grew, the 1000 awesome things were compiled into a book called The Book of Awesome. It contains things in our life that make you stop and go ‘huh…that is awesome’. The subtle things that would otherwise go unnoticed are brought to your attention in this comical novel. Now, the question to be answered when you read this book or blog is not whether or not you love high-fiving babies, hitting all green lights, sneaking McDonalds and hiding the evidence, licking the cake batter off egg beaters or listening to the sound of scissors cutting through construction paper; but the question is what kind of reader will you be? Would you sit down and read the near 400 page novel in one sitting, save it for rainy days, read it at breakfast to begin your day or after dinner to end it? Either way, whenever you pick up that novel and read something, just remember you’re adding just a little bit of awesome to your day. Who doesn’t love that?

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