
Putin Refurbishes Nuclear Arsenal, Makes Provocative Comments

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced last Tuesday that Russia plans to deploy new missiles capable of penetrating NATO’s missile defense shield. This comes as Russia’s relationship with America and much of the West is at a low point, as Russia has come under heavy criticism for both its actions in the Ukraine and for its support of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad.

Putin states that NATO’s missile defense system, which is largely American-led, is an attempt to neutralize Russia’s nuclear deterrent and thus to increase the United States’ military clout worldwide. NATO and the U.S. deny that this is the purpose of the missile shield, instead stating that it is intended to fend off attacks from smaller countries, and that it would not be capable of handling Russia’s current nuclear capabilities.

Putin claims that this is a smokescreen that covers the U.S.’s true intentions. He points to the fact that they are still working on the defense system despite the recent nuclear negotiations with Iran, a state frequently mentioned as a possible threat that the system was built to combat.

While Russia intends to work on a missile defense system of its own, it will focus far more on offensive missiles.  Putin has in fact been making similar remarks for some time, as well as strongly discouraging European countries from joining the missile shield. He notes that NATO could potentially use the shield to launch offensive weapons. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says that Russia’s actions go against the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which states that Soviet-era nuclear arms should be reduced. It should be made clear that the new missiles are replacements, not additions. Still, the announcement is one that has gained plenty of attention.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg condemned Russia’s “sabre-rattling” as “unjustified, destabilizing, and dangerous.” He declares that NATO is, as a result, “increasing the readiness and preparedness” of their forces.

Many feel that Putin’s statement was a form of psychological warfare: an act of muscle-flexing intended mainly to intimidate. This is likely to be the case – Putin is well known for posturing and displays of strength. However, that does not mean that he is weak.


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