
UW Eco-Marathon Team [Frosh Issue]

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The University of Waterloo Eco-Marathon Team (UWEMT) designs and builds high-efficiency cars. We currently have a battery-electric vehicle with a sleek new carbon-fibre monocoque design, and are also building an engine for a gasoline-powered car. We compete in the Shell Eco-Marathon every year in Detroit.

Our cars are prototypes that only need to seat the driver, so extremely aerodynamic shapes and spectacular efficiencies are possible. Our electric car is capable of going 200 km on a kWh of charge, and once our gasoline car is complete, it will be capable of 0.2 L per 100 km.

We believe in getting everyone involved! Projects which we will be working on this term include building a motor controller for our electric car, designing windows, and constructing a steering system. We meet once a week to discuss and work on our cars. Come join us, and we’ll give you something to do.

Even if you’re not an engineering student, we also recruit from other faculties for our business sub-team, which connects us with sponsors.

Want to join? You can find our design bay on the second floor of E5. If we’re not there, you can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/UWEcoMarathon. You can also watch videos of our cars being built at www.youtube.com/user/uwecomarathon.

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