Tin Soldier

Life in Latvia

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I am reminding of story from old kountry. In glorious Latvija, once havings house with 4 walls and no roof. Havings 4 daughters, and only 3 taken by politburo! Also havings son, but die of malnourish. Once havings wife, but she die of childbirth of son who die of malnourish, and die again from interrogation by politburo. Kapitalist pigs sayings I find potato in Amerika, but I knowings better. Man from Politburo come and sayings never trusting kapitalist pigs.

Havings dreams once in old kountry. Wife still die, son still die, all daughters taken by politburo. But havings 1 potato! Puttings potato in soup, but was hallusination, was only rokk. Of remindings of story from old kountry, Rokk Soup. I hallusinate until die of malnourish, then wake up. Was happy dream. Struggle was over. But wakings up, and life return to glorious Latvija life.

Hearings of knokk on door. Knokk Knokk.

Who there?


Politburo who?

Putting daughter in gulag.

Then politburo come and put fourth daughter into gulag. Now all daughters taken by politburo. I walk into winter woods to starve. Politburo find. Politburo kapture. Politburo take to gulag. I hungry and try eat rokk. I learn kannot eat rokk. I rollings into ball and try to starve, but politburo find me and do the fors feedings. Then politburo beat until die. But hallusinate, just badly beaten. Such is life in Latvia.

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