
The 8-Month Co-op Term

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

You may have been finding the job of your dreams or you may be scraping the bottom of the metaphorical JobMine barrel but the fact is that you have probably seen (and considered) an eight month co-op term. Or you’re in one of those unlucky programs that has to do an eight month co-op and you’re considering splitting it into two four month terms.

As a Chemical Engineering student, eight month co-op terms are not integrated in our program, yet they seem to be becoming more prevalent. For my third work term I was tempted into accepting an eight month co-op term from a very reputable company with the promise that it would be awesome. It was a great experience but if I could go back in time, I would tell my past self to refuse.

1)      I did not learn more at that eight month job than I have in some of my four month jobs.

2)      I could have gotten a similar job at a similar company without having to spend eight months at that company.

3)      For anyone considering running for a student leader position (I’m looking at all the future EngSoc Presidents and Vice-Presidents, EngFOC etc.), disappearing for eight months makes it really difficult to get back into student life.

4)      If you wanted to go on an exchange abroad, it sucks trying to fit that into your streaming schedule on top of the eight month co-op term.

At the same time, I can’t deny that there were a few advantages

1)      I didn’t have to waste time applying on JobMine again.

2)      I got to be more involved in the company and see projects all the way through.

3)      I got a full-time job offer from this company three years later without even interviewing.

I regret my eight month co-op term but my advice to you? Whatever you choose, rock it.

If you’ve decided to get an eight month, take that opportunity to really become a part of that company’s life. You have the time to become an essential resource which will definitely get you a job in the long-term. You also have enough time to go try things outside of your initial job scope, so go look at the department next door and take a stab at that wacky project that no one seems to want.

If you’ve decided you want to stick to your normal streaming or you want to get two four month work terms instead, go for it. Try to make sure that you’re still getting the most out of each co-op term individually and out of the school term in between. Whatever reason you had to choose four months instead of the eight month, do your best to enjoy it.

At the end of the day, your decision won’t make or break your university experience but it’s important to realize that it will make a difference.

Also a few administrative things:

For anyone considering work in Alberta for the long term, APEGGA, unlike PEO, only considers pre-graduation experience after your fifth academic term (3A) as valid experience to get your P.Eng.  So try to do your co-op terms after 3A rather than before.

If you’re dependent on the student health and dental program, make sure you notify so that you can maintain your coverage.

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