
Former UW Employee Caught Stealing $750000

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Stealing is an unforgivable crime that can harm those around you. Just three weeks ago, Jacqueline Hollmann was convicted of stealing money from one of the stores located on the University of Waterloo campus. It was calculated that $750, 000 was stolen over 4 years.  This is a large sum of money which had negatively effected many of the people around her and everyone at the University of Waterloo.

First, the act of stealing money put many of her co-workers out of a job. The problem isn’t that there wasn’t enough money to keep the business afloat, but due to a very long and ongoing investigation, the stores had to be shut down. This has also put the students at a disadvantage. Due to the fact that there was money being stolen on a daily basis, though in very small increments, the losses started to pile up. So did the prices; in order for the store cover the losses, the students themselves got cheated. Students are already money-strapped due to many factors such as tuition costs, but they are now even more financially taxed due to this fiasco. They should be compensated for such a loss because it was management’s fault for not noticing it sooner, though this is a pipe dream because management won’t compensate the students.

The funny thing is, the punishment is only 16 months in jail and a black star on her record. But at least she will have a clean place to sleep and three square meals a day. Some people might not even have such a luxury. Some of the people who have been put out of a job might not be able to put food on the table anymore and may ultimately lose their homes and break up their families. So what type of soft punishment 16 months of jail? I’m not saying that capital punishment is the way to go but at least figure out a way to punish her more severely as well as compensate everyone affected. This is just simply absurd and I believe Hollmann must answer more truthfully to the call of justice.

1 Comment

  1. wow

    and she served only 5 months of that term…

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