
EngSoc First Year Services

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This Fall, the Waterloo Engineering Society will be introducing exciting new services designed specifically for First-Year Engineering students. These services will include a new mentorship program which will pair incoming students with an Upper Year mentor who will act as their guide throughout the term. The First-Year students and their mentors will be invited to participate in several social activities, such as a “Whose Line is it Anyway?” event, and several academic success events, such as discussions on how to succeed during Midterms and Finals. If you would like sign-up to have a First-Year Mentor, please visit: http://bit.ly/froshmentor and complete the registration form.

Certain services will also be returning during the Fall Term, notably Resume Critiques, where First-Year students can have their resume critiqued by an Upper-Year student, to ensure they appear desirable to potential employers. The Resume Critiques Directors will also be hosting Interview Skills Sessions in order to help First-Year students prepare for their first interviews.

Look out for September’s Upcoming Events:
Meet Your Mentors & EngSoc 101
Monday, September 16 – 6pm – POETS Lounge
Come and meet your Upper Year Mentor and learn what
the Engineering Society can do for you!
Resume Critiques
Tuesday, September 17 & Thursday, September 19
6pm – J.R. Coutts Engineering Lecture Hall (RCH)
Have your resume critiqued by an Upper Year Peer.
JobMine Party
Saturday, September 21 – 1pm – Carl Pollock Hall (CPH) Multimedia Lab
Come apply to JobMine while gaining insights from Upper Years about
the job application process.

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