
Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

So you’re new to the University of Waterloo. You have probably seen a whole bunch of yellow stickers with “WEEF” strewn about various labs and hallways throughout the engineering buildings. The big yellow stickers are stuck onto everything you see: computers, projectors, tools and high tech machines that either look pretty neat or scare you. As your inquisitive mind ponders “what is this WEEF business all over the place?”, you may get the impression that it makes a pretty large impact across engineering. If this is what you’re thinking, you’re on the right track to being a Waterloo Engineer. It’s big… it’s really big!
The Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation (WEEF) at the University of Waterloo is one of the most unique student-managed organizations in post-secondary institutions across Canada. This foundation was envisioned by students in 1990 with the goal of influencing and improving the undergraduate engineering experiences for current and future students. Now, 23 years later, we have amassed a fund with over $11,300,000! WEEF makes use of the interest off the fund and can then provide funding for student teams and groups, and departments to enable students to use even more hands-on industry level lab equipment, computers, and new methods to investigate the “why and how” of our disciplines. What’s the really awesome thing about WEEF? It’s up to you, the student, to decide where the money goes. No faculty, no accountants, no parents. The student funding council are the decision makers as to whom and where the funding goes. Now that’s cool stuff! Along with the best professors and lab instructors in the country, WEEF provides that extra edge to continue the tradition of making University of Waterloo Engineering one of the best choices a student can make.
Want to know what WEEF has done for your specific class? Talk to your lab instructors and professors about how WEEF has helped out – you’ll be sure to find out how good WEEF is to engineering at UW. If you want to make a difference, want to know more or how this student fund is improving your experience, visit weef.uwaterloo.ca or email weef@uwaterloo.ca – we would love to tell you about how awesome you are in making WEEF what it is today. Continue the tradition. Continue supporting WEEF!

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