Mommaknowsbest: Spring Cleaning: Not So Bad As You Think

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Oh yes, it’s that time of the year again. The clocks have been wound back, the snow is beginning to melt, and the smell of spring is in the air. We all know there’s only one thing that means… SPRING CLEANING! We’ve already gotten started, but for those of you who haven’t, it’s not too late! And we’ve got some great tips to help you out.

Reorganize your closet!

  • Folding your shirts vertically saves you space and maximizes visibility! We managed to fit 5 drawers of clothing into 3!
  • If you have anything you don’t want, don’t throw it away! Donate it to Value Village or the Salvation Army!

Clean your bathroom!

  • If you don’t have any toilet bowl cleaner handy, Coke is a good alternative. The acids in Coke will break down the stains. Just make sure you let it sit for at least an hour (overnight is better) before you flush!
  • We all know Waterloo water is crazy hard and that getting rid of the water stains on faucets takes way too much effort. Cut a lemon in half and use it to scrub at the hard water stains, and voila! Your faucet will be good as new.
  • Got a gross bathtub? Put white vinegar in a spray bottle, spray that tub, sprinkle baking soda over it, scrub, and rinse with water! Your bathtub will be ready for your bubble baths in a matter of minutes.
  • If you’re not sure of how to clean something, a Magic Eraser is a good bet. THOSE THINGS ARE AMAZING!!!

Clean your desk!

  • If you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to bust out the Q-Tips to clean your keyboard, try running the sticky part of a post-it note between the keys to catch all the dust!
  • Put some binder clips on the edge of your desk to keep all your cables organized.
  • Do the pen test! Set some time aside and sort through your massive stockpile of free pens. If it doesn’t work, toss it!

Have fun with it!

  • We all know spring cleaning can be a drag, but it’s so rewarding and worth it. Try to make the best of it by blasting some sweet tunes, getting your housemates to help out with the common areas, and having a drink to reward yourself now and then. 😉

Now that we’ve shared some of our favourite tips and tricks, we hope you have a great time freshening up your place!

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