
Taleng – UWaterloo Engineers Have No Shortage of Talent

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Life is not all about school, and school is not all there is to life.  So it is important every once in a while to take a time out from school and get to know your fellow students better. After all, who better to compare workload horror stories with and laugh at funny things professors have said than other engineering students? This is why on November 9th, a Thursday (doesn’t this make you feel just a little bit like arts students?), engineers gathered for TalEng. The location for the occasion was the Bomber and the mood anything but somber.

TalEng was the perfect platform for students to showcase some of their hidden talents and for everyone who came out to enjoy some relaxing and fun conversation. Like many engineering events, the Tool was in attendance after arriving fashionably late. The Tool Bearers spent their time providing commentaries on the acts and the actions of the audience. The audience was constantly engaged because the acts were diverse.  Talent acts included various genres of music, juggling, stand up comedy, and general hilarity. There was never a dull moment. Among the many awesome acts there were several first year performances, including a musical act from three first year Nanos’ entertainingly called ‘Breaking Resonance’. There were also many recognizable faces on the stage.  For those of you familiar with the sexy sax man, he left his sax behind in favour of a keyboard, providing a fairly informative, highly amusing performance about the opera. The evening finished with a performance of the Blues Brothers which got people out of their seats and moving to the music.

TalEng also included an announcement about the winners of the elections for the new exec. The new VP External, VP Internal, VP Education and VP Finance were welcomed with open arms by the old VP’s. It was a good thing people were wearing their covies because it all got a little messy!

TalEng was a fantastic event with lots of fun had by all, it is a good event even if you are not a very involved student. So keep an eye out for more awesome events in the future such as EngPlay!

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