
MOT: The Nightmare Following Midterms

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Despite the rain outside, some mighty finely-attired people attended the middle-of-term party (MOT) on Friday October 26th. POETS was bedecked in the best of both Christmas and Halloween, as per the Nightmare before Christmas theme. Among the many awesome costumes present, there were a few that really went above and beyond; one was a Watcard, the Incredibles (with the exception of Jack Jack – babies must sleep after all), Steve from Blues Clues, Batman costumes, and a carbon nano tube.  As per usual, the Tool made an appearance, and the tool bearers honoured the theme with half of them wearing white scream masks and the other half wearing Christmas hats.  Later, a video customary of all ‘OTs was shown depicting  the engineering events and activities since BOT. P**5 points were announced, with the 3B Nanos leading the way. This year winners of P**5 points are being awarded in two categories, first year classes, and everyone else. The leaders right now stand at 3B Nanos with 33,733.8 points followed by 2A Mech with 25,860. 1A Chem Eng is leading the first year classes with 14,805 points. All in all, it was a fun event, despite the weather outside.


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