
Movember Starts Tomorrow

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Well gentleman, it’s that time of year again, tomorrow will be the last time you shave your upper lips for the entire month of November.

The Movember movement began in 2004 in Melbourne Australia with 30 men growing a moustache for 30 days in order to raise awareness for prostate cancer and depression in men.  Since 2004 the Movember campaign has raised $CAD 301 million from 1.9 million “mo bros” and “mo sistas.” Last year alone 850,000 people worldwide participated in the campaign making it the organization’s most successful year raising $CAD 125.7 million for prostate cancer awareness.

So how can you become part of the movement? Well it’s really quite simple; just check out the Movember website and set up your “mo space.” Your “mo space” is a place where you can post updates and photos documenting your progress, view your rank nationally or within your team, and mention any motivations you have for supporting the cause.  Some motivations from the organization include: 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and the average life expectancy of a man is four to five years less than that of a woman.  Once you’ve registered all that’s left to do is grow, groom, and show off your moustache.

The Movember site mentions a few guidelines to moustache growth:

1) Once registered at each “mo bro” must begin the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven face.

2) For the entire month of November each “mo bro” must grow and groom a moustache.

3) There is to be no joining of the moustache to sideburns. (That’s considered a beard.)

4) There is to be no joining of the handlebars to chin. (That’s considered a goatee.)

5) Each “mo bro” must conduct himself like a true country gentleman

There are more ways to style one’s moustache  than the ones many of us think; styles include: natural, horseshoe, handlebar, imperial, Mexican, Fu-manchu, pencil, toothbrush, chevron, and Dali to name a few.  I feel it necessary to point out that no one said having a moustache (or an attempt at one) for a whole month would be easy; you will be tested by the urge to look professional for an interview, a disapproving girlfriend, a formal event, and many other obstacles along the way.  The mark of a true gentleman is to get over these obstacles with confidence and composure; take the opportunity to spread awareness for the most common cancer affecting men, and show off our moustache.

To all of the female supporters out there who can’t grow a moustache of their own, Movember still values your support and coins you “mo sistas.” As a “mo sista” you are invited to create a profile, make donations to your “mo bros” and join in the spread of men’s health awareness.

The movement has grown steadily since the beginning, and there are now formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and the Czech Republic.  A number of partnerships have sprung up with Movember including one with TOMS who makes limited edition shoes with a moustache logo for those participating.

Movember provides funds to Prostate Cancer Canada, and the Canadian Male Health Network, as well as to prostate cancer awareness & education, and a global action plan.

Men don’t always have the best attitudes and habits in regards to their health, but Movember aims to change this by raising awareness through this 30 day campaign.  Great steps have been made in the right direction but there is always room for improvement.  Let’s all embrace the Movember slogan and change the face of men’s health.

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