POETS Hosts First Open Mic

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

On Friday, September 21st, before PubCrawl, there was an open mic in POETS from 3:30-6:00PM.  The open mic was run by the EngSoc Music Directors Farmin, Jenna, and Jacob.  Open mic is an event where a bunch of artists from engineering and other faculties drop in and play music. It’s a really fun time to hang out with your friends, or meet new ones,  and listen to some sweet music.

Friday’s open mic was a complete success.  There was a great turn-out for audience members, as well as performers. There were lots of artists from engineering, as well as some from other faculties, who played a variety of music, from pop to rock to country.  Performances were well done; there was a great mix of covers, instrumentals, and even some banjo-playing to round it out. So, if you want to hear some awesome music just drop by POETS during the next open mic!  You don’t have to stay long, just drop by for a bit and listen to some great music (and get some P**5 points for your class while you’re at it!).  The next EngSoc music event is the Coffee House on October 11th, venue to be determined. After that, Band Wars will be taking place at a later date.  For any questions about open mic, any EngSoc music event, or to sign-up as an artist for an event (like the Coffee House on Oct 11th!) email Farmin at f2zaman@uwaterloo.ca.

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