Single and Sexy, A First Year’s Perspective

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

After a fun, yet exhausting, day of running around outside in the heavy rain during the first day of frosh week, I wanted nothing more than to head back to residence and take a shower. However, there was one more event scheduled for the afternoon. A performance on everything from relationships and academics, to sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. Single and Sexy primarily sounded like those plays that we had to make for high school health class that were usually cheesy and forgettable. Much to my surprise, the play was captivating from beginning to end!

Opening with a parody of Starships by Nicki Minaj, I was already entertained. Each of the actors played their characters with enthusiasm and credibility. The progression of the subplots within the play was interesting and many of them intertwined so as to create a very powerful play.

One subplot revolved around the effects of the university social environment on a first-year student, who was otherwise very innocent and sober in high school. Another followed a couple whose relationship changed from cute to abusive, and touched on suicidal and depressed emotions. One very commanding subplot was the one revolving around the homophobic and racist attitudes of two of the characters towards each other. I think both issues are still prominent around campus and the play did a good job of showing the importance of acceptance and tolerance.

When I first read the description of Single and Sexy, my initial thought was to question how so many different issues would be covered in an hour and half, but I was genuinely surprised at how smoothly everything was covered, while at the same time providing useful information about where help can be received on campus. Overall, I was happy with my decision to attend the play, rather than going home, and enjoyed it thoroughly. “Whether you’re mounting your bike, or mounting your partner, always remember to protect your head!”

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