EngSoc, Events

EngSoc Events Banned for Being Too Much Fun

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

What do we do? … ALL THE THINGS! These past few weeks the Engineering Society has had great success with the Exchange Potluck, 2014 Year Spirit Party, TF2 and Diablo LAN Parties, Coffee House, Skydiving, Alumni Golf Tournament and TalEng, the engineering talent show! A big shout-out goes to our wonderful directors who organize these events! Be sure to keep an eye out for the events being run these next few weeks on the events calendar below. There is definitely something for everyone!

So some of you may be wondering, “Why haven’t I heard about any of these events? I would have loved to participate in them if I knew they were happening!” Well there are multitudes of ways to find out what is happening in the Engineering Society!

1) EngSoc Facebook Page: All events the Engineering Society runs will have an associated Facebook event page. Just search “UW Engineering Society” and take a look through our events and join the ones you are interested in! There is no commitment other than a single click! Our Facebook page is also a great resource for those last minute reminders, or general updates as to what the Society is up to.
2) EngSoc Mailing List: If you want to get more detailed updates about the events we run, or various opportunities such as employer network sessions, guest speakers, or scholarships, then join the Engineering Society B mailing list! All emails are in newsletter format for easy and quick reading and with our new system, you can subscribe to only the email categories you are interested in! Just follow this link to register: bit.ly/JooYif.
3) EngSoc Google Calendar: The Engineering Society maintains an up-to-date event Google Calendar which can be synced with your personal calendar! The calendar can be found on the Engineering Society website: engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/events
3) EngSoc General Meetings: The Engineering Society hosts bi-weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in CPH 3607. Drop by and find out what your executive have been up to, but also give input on things such as our general budget, donations, committees, and policies. There is always free food at the end for those who are present!
4) EngSoc Poster Boards: There are 30+ poster boards spread through the engineering buildings which the Engineering Society takes full advantage of to advertise events. Be sure to stop for a quick look! Don’t like paper? Well LCD advertising is on its way, so be sure to keep a look out for these being installed in the near future!
5) EngSoc Office: Drop by the Engineering Society Office (CPH 1327) and speak with an executive or the front desk staff to find out more ways to get involved with the Engineering Society. Event sign-ups can always be found here too!
Attending any EngSoc run event will also earn your class P**5 points! P**5 stands for Paul and Paula Plummer Participation Points and is pronounced “P to the 5.” P**5 is a term-long competition between all on-stream classes with the purpose of encouraging friendly class competition, promoting EngSoc event participation and rewarding spirited and involved classes. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three classes! Submissions can be emailed to ptothefive@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. A full list of points is available on the EngSoc website.

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