Good Movie Review

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

As this is the last issue, and sadly, my last, I decided to do something a little different for the movie review. I’m going to look at some really good movies.

I watch a lot of movies. A lot. One thing that really bugs me is when I suggest watching some really great foreign film and then one of my friends saying, “Nah, I don’t wanna have to read any subtitles. I don’t really like foreign movies. Let’s watch Transformers instead.” to which I respond by promptly slapping them across the face with whatever is in the nearest garbage disposal. Foreign films are greatly underappreciated and it is time they got some respect. Heck, many of these movies get poor or mediocre ratings from professional critics who should know better. Here are some of my personal favorites:

Pans Labyrinth (2006): I mentioned this movie in my CGI rant. This movie has very nice special effects and knows how to utilize them to tell a really great story. It combines a creepy fantasy tale with that of a little girl in times of war. It has an eerie monster that eats children, and yet it goes on to show that real life can be a far worse nightmare. Yes, it’s in Spanish. Remember when you used to read? Apply those skills to these subtitles because this movie is so good. It was directed by Guillermo Del Torro, one of my favorite directors. You should also check out The Orphanage (2007), also by Del Torro. It is one of the best horror movies I have ever seen.

Shaolin Soccer (2001): This may possibly be the funniest thing you will ever see. I laugh my ass off every single time I watch it. As the title suggests, it’s about a soccer team that uses Kung Fu to dominate the competition so that they can face off against a steroid injected Team Evil for the super cup trophy. For those of you who are soccer players like me, you will appreciate the ridiculousness of the film. For those of you who aren’t, you will also appreciate it. This movie crosses all language and sport barriers and could only come from the gifted mind of Stephen Chow, the man responsible for some of China’s funniest films like Kung Fu Hustle (2004), another hilarious movie.

Any of Jackie Chan’s older works Police Story 1,2,3 (1985), Armor of God (1987), Drunken Master (1978) etc. It’s Jackie Chan. ‘Nough said.

Hero (2002), one of the most expensive Chinese films ever made. What a masterpiece. Here is a film where every scene is like a painting. Consider a fight scene near the beginning of the film where Jet Li faces off against Long Sky, a master spearman. It takes place in a stone courtyard surrounded by old Chinese architecture. It’s raining and the blades fly through the air in slow motion and split the rain drops apart while in the background, an old blind man plays a Chinese instrument. This movie has some of the best fight scenes you will ever see, but also has a great story to back them up. This isn’t just a martial arts film. It’s art.

Amelie (2001). I know what you’re thinking: ‘but it’s French?’ It also happens to be very entertaining. This is a delightfully quirky film about a delightfully quirky character. The camera spins and flies around a Paris that is enhanced both in life and in color. I had to watch this in high school French class. Best class ever.

For those of you who didn’t know, I grew up in Thailand. That being said, my final two films are from the land of my childhood. Ong Bak: Muay Thai Warrior (2003) is probably my favorite Thai film. This is one hell of a martial arts movie. Tony Jaa showcases some excellent muay-thai, and pulls off some stunts in this movie that would have made Jackie Chan proud. This movie is a non-stop action parade and there is very little dialogue so for those of you who have never read, this is for you.

The second film is my favorite rom-com of all time. Bedside Detective (2007): this is a movie that perfectly nails the genre. It is really funny while also being somewhat romantic (I can’t handle notebook proportions). It has, in my opinion, the funniest scene of any movie I have ever seen. The dialogue is fun and the plot is great. This movie features a dog-loving villain, an inventor/private investigator, a Bruce Li wannabe, and a dog named James Bond.

So there you have it. Consider that list a gift from me to you for my final movie article. Please go out and see these. You’ll be so glad you did.

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